Snow Days

Posted on 1st February 2019 by Kate Rocher-Smith

Dassett HQ has faired up pretty well throughout this recent cold snap. It has been so dry there has been surprisingly little ice. This means all the horses have remained in work, with those who had December off well into their basic fitness. Lauren and I even got off-site with the horses further along in their fitness programmes, for a very successful cross country school at Aston.

However, the last few days has seen us on Dassett lock down with sub zero temperatures and a dumping of snow last night – there are a series of lovely photos from Dassett Fields attached to this blog. Despite the freezing temperatures, as a team we always look for the positives in any situation, and as a result we have enjoyed some top breakfasts, including one to celebrate Krzystof’s birthday – Happy Birthday Krzystof! Lauren and Alice have flown through some clipping and our fabulous chiropractor, Vicky Knapp, has been in putting a bunch of the horses back on the straight and narrow.

The forecast is warmer from the weekend onwards, so we are looking forward to getting back in the saddles (with neck straps!) and welcoming the local Pony Club for a clinic with Craig on Sunday.

Kate Rocher-Smith

Posted by Kate Rocher-Smith

Manager & Rider

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